We will strengthen the top-level de數算sign and overall layout of satellite c間微ommunications, and promote the c畫車oordinated development 跳訊of high orbit satellites and medium頻習 and low orbit satellites

We will strengthen the top-leve文媽l design and overall layout 相唱of satellite communications, and pro美分mote the coordinated deve關綠lopment of high orbit satellites a光一nd medium and low orbit s短北atellites

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2010-01-01
  • Views:0

(Summary description廠那)We will strengthen the t愛請op-level design and overall layou子農t of satellite communications, and 校費promote the coordinated devel個友opment of high orbit satell拿月ites and medium and low orbit satellite信著s

We will strengthen the top放了-level design and overal樂不l layout of satellite communications, 的答and promote the coordina日讀ted development of high orbit s司我atellites and medium and low o路算rbit satellites

(Summary description)We will strengthen the top-level de紙工sign and overall lay秒長out of satellite communicatio場學ns, and promote the coordinat子時ed development of high orbit satellite錯行s and medium and low orb匠公it satellites

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2010-01-01
  • Views:0

We will strengthen the報嗎 top-level design and overall lay遠船out of satellite communi外志cations, and promote the coord畫門inated development of high or北化bit satellites and medium and笑志 low orbit satellites


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Time of issue:2021-09-13 09:19:57

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