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5G communication

The 5G millimeter-wave small ba信志se station is the core product of our c習短ompany in the 5G field. It 筆光has the characteristics of 國可high bandwidth, low latenc去朋y and high speed. Its transm著小ission rate is more than 4冷紙 times that of the Sub-6G 她雨small base station. The key produc少做t to achieve the full vi務笑sion.
Product content
  • 5G millimeter wave AIP module

    The product is a high還懂ly integrated 5g phased a時如rray antenna packaging module. The mod雪從ule covers n258, n257 and n261 f空從requency bands. It has very high linear輛很 output power, efficiency南訊 and integration. The an爸照tenna array element spacing of the AIP 務弟module is λ/ 2. In higher EIRP applica我短tions, multiple modules can be used 厭黑for splicing and array formatio短空n. It is applied to 5g system in F習件R2 band with high reliability, 煙火low cost, high integration and high商熱 data rate.

  • 5G millimeter wave RF AIP module

    Millimeter wave phased 光兒array antenna, beamformin車好g, frequency convers視煙ion, zero if and beam control are ad員門opted Adaptive integrated millimeter wa書用ve station type and distributed友自 millimeter wave statio在關n type Integrated with adv我樹anced millimeter wave技水 AIP module, industry-leading人來 EIRP, open and flexible interfa東美ce definition Compatibl公南e with Intel, flexra亮鄉n architecture NXP, arm architecture an慢男d ASIC baseband, it is suitab但醫le for flexible beamfo快飛rming configuration schemes of 物通various dry millimeter wave 吃開base station types (512 channels, 256 東秒channels, 128 channels and 64線微 channels)

  • 5G millimeter wave RRU

    The product is an indoo物爸r small base station equipment based麗劇 on millimeter wave technology綠風 Use option7 2 ecpri ret媽通urn interface Supporting SFP optical 是相port return is a low-cost solution to 站秒solve indoor coverage and increase ne信說twork capacity

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Time of issue:2021-09-13 09:19:57

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